Yes, now you can create and instantly deploy forms! Then you can add/edit/delete data records, plus view or search all records
You can create your usual data forms, as well as form with master data (which can be then used by other forms, reports, and business apps).
Text Box, Text Area, Email, Check Box, Radio Button, Drop-down List, File, Calendar, User Field (to add/remove users), Formula Calculation Field, Show Data from Another Form, WYSIWYG
Users can comment forms, to make their work more efficient
Ever wondered why are you so dependent on packaged solutions or IT guys? That's because you didn't have the technology where you can be the boss of your own business apps!
It's surprisingly easy to create a business app. We simply need to drag-and-drop some blocks, configure them, then run the app instantly! Zero coding guaranteed!
Your business apps are 100% transparent - anyone can understand them!
If you leave a business app, you can later continue working from the same spot you left it at
Fenorri 3.1 Beta 5 Now Available!
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