No-Code Development Platform / 10 Key Points / Advantages / Industry Leadership / Case Study / Key Features / Tutorials

Key Features

Fenorri's No-Code Platform in Action
Digitalize and automate your entire organization
Facilitate smooth process integration and automate workflows across your organization.
Create software modules instantly
Develop functional software modules on-the-fly to meet specific business needs effortlessly.
Instantly create versatile software modules
Effortlessly handle a variety of functionalities, from straightforward data entry forms to advanced modules tackling complex processes.
Design data input forms
Easily create customized forms for capturing essential data.
Process data efficiently
Utilize advanced data processing capabilities to handle and analyse information effectively.
Generate documents and reports
Quickly generate professional documents and reports tailored to your requirements.
Automate email communications
Set up automated email workflows for efficient communication.
Leverage No-Code AI capabilities
Implement AI-driven automation to enhance business operations without technical expertise.
Streamline task management with Kanban integration
Capture and manage business data (e.g. customer orders) and instantly send them to Kanban boards for streamlined task tracking.
Integrate with external systems
Connect seamlessly with external systems using REST APIs to expand functionality and data exchange capabilities.

No-Code Development Platform

Create Forms Instantly

Yes, now you can create and instantly deploy forms! Then you can add/edit/delete data records, plus view or search all records

Data Or Master Data

You can create your usual data forms, as well as form with master data (which can be then used by other forms, reports, and business apps).

No limits!

Forms for entering/storing/editing data
Create and instantly deploy forms
No need to code or perform any technical activities!
Draw the entire form via the drag-and-drop editor
Edit and change at any time!

Many Useful Form Controls

Text Box, Text Area, Email, Check Box, Radio Button, Drop-down List, File, Calendar, User Field (to add/remove users), Formula Calculation Field, Show Data from Another Form, WYSIWYG

Users can comment forms, to make their work more efficient

Forms then can be used inside a business process to create business apps!

Business Apps Made Easy

Ever wondered why are you so dependent on packaged solutions or IT guys? That's because you didn't have the technology where you can be the boss of your own business apps!

Business Apps Execution Platform

Everything you draw in the editor can be instantly executed!
Run different versions of the same business app
No need to call your I.T. expert!
You can run a business app, leave it,then re-start it from the same spot, or simply cancel a running business app
Start the business app manually or automatically, after another app completes
Specify users which must complete the business process

Business Apps Editor

Create a business app via drag-and-drop, then deploy automatically!
Run a business app instantly
Edit a business app at any time
View and load a previous version
The editor does not require any coding or IT qualification

How do we do this?

It's surprisingly easy to create a business app. We simply need to drag-and-drop some blocks, configure them, then run the app instantly! Zero coding guaranteed!

To Make It Easier...

Easily share your business app
Comment, discuss and save time and effort!
Run different versions of a business process, or simply keep only one
View all automatically generated files for a given business process
View how many business apps user has in progress or completed

Your business apps are 100% transparent - anyone can understand them!

Business apps are like cards, and it's easy to manage and use them
You can easily post a business app on a timeline!
Access Control Settings
Be in control of your business apps! You can add and remove:
optionally, give access to all users
Business app boards are really handy

If you leave a business app, you can later continue working from the same spot you left it at

Fenorri in Numbers

Since 2008
1,910+ The average number of no-code apps run per hour
230+ Average daily creation of new no-code apps
7,500+ Average monthly time savings per client in man hours
72% Average adoption rate of no-code AI among clients
6 Average daily platform usage hours per user

Fenorri 3.1 Beta 5 Now Available!
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