Search and Hashtags

You can search absolutely everything you have access for! Text or hashtag search covers reports, tasks, forms, messages, profiles, groups, departments, users, events and posts!

Fenorri allows searching through resources, and it supports hashtags.


To search for anything, simply type in your query in the search text box. Alternatively, you can select your search category (for instance if you need to select events, you can select the 'Events' menu item):

You will get the search page with results:

You can load more results by clicking the following:

You can filter your search results by selecting a category at the top page menu:

For instance, you can select 'Events' and the system will search for all events which contain the keyword 'sales'.


Whenever you see a hashtag, you can search for it by simply clicking on it:

You will see a page containing all occurrences of your hashtag:

You can load more results by clicking the following:

The top page menu contains categories, which you can select in case you need to filter your search results by a resource:

For instance, you can select 'Reports', and the system will search and display all occurrences of your hashtag inside the report.

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