Fenorri allows creating reports via simple drag-and-drop and configuration actions. You can create a report within 2 minutes. Your reports can contain information from data sources (i.e. your user input forms) and calculated values. You can have a table and charts inside your report. Your reports can be shared, pinned, commented, and this applies to the report parts. For instance, a report chart can be separately shared, commented, pinned, liked, etc. You can easily send your report via a comment or the messenger. Your reports will always contain current data. This makes it a great tool within your organization for creating and sharing reports. It's a great way to monitor your metrics, review your stats, and utilize reports in your planning activities.
Using a simple drag-and-drop editor, create custom reports. No coding required! Then you can view or share the report. Everyone always sees real-time data and current report version!
Create charts from user specified sources. Available formats include: line, area, column, bar, donut, histogram, combo, scatter, pie, map, trend, table, tree map, organizational, gauge, candlestick.
You can also show a report during a business app. For instance, your business app is allowing the end-user to review some performance metrics to decide if a new project can be scheduled at this stage or not, and by showing the end-user current report on performance stats will allow them to make the right decision while executing the business app. You can also use reports inside your business apps purely for informative reasons, for example, to show current stats on failed sales or orders, so that the end-user is informed, is capable to make the right decision at the right time, and is receiving only the real-time data, stats and results.
Your reports can be added to your TODO list, making it easy to create a task and schedule it inside your calendar with a drag-and-drop. For instance, you might have a sales report which you need to review. With Fenorri, you can add the report to your TODO List and add the item to your calendar, for instance, on Friday morning so that you won't forget what you need to do, having the report sitting inside your calendar, allowing you to access it with one click.
Open your top menu and click on the 'Reports' item:
You will see a board with reports (if you have any, otherwise the board will be empty at first):
Your reports have can contain tables and charts. You can add as much of data from different sources to your table, link it via fields and filters, set sorting and other parameters. You can hide the table, and only display charts. You can have as many charts as you like.
To allow other users to view or manage your report, you can click the 'lock' button:
You will see a dialogue where you'll be able to add or remove users, groups, departments, projects, and events. Start typing a person's name (or department/group/event/project name) and select your user.
Once you're finished, click the following button:
You can constantly change access permission settings for your resources. Try to always keep the right level of authorization and ensure that your resources are shared with the right people within your organization. In general, you need to give 'Administrator' permission only to those users who need to manage your resources. You can share your resources with groups, add them to events or projects, or simply grant an access right to people from a specific department. In case you want everyone in your organization to have access to your resource, simply enable the following option:
This will ensure that absolutely everyone can view the resource. However, if you need your resource to appear on a group/department/event/project resource page, you need to add this group/department/event/project separately.
Your reports are presented as cards inside the system:
This makes it easier to store, share and manage your reports.
You can add comments to a report. Simply click the comments button:
Your comments can include text and URLs. You can mention other people and add emoji. You can also attach other resources (such as other reports, business apps, files, emails, etc). Open your resource (full screen) and start typing in your comment, as shown below:
You can include your colleague's names by typing in the @ symbol and then start typing in their name (e.g. @pete), then select your colleague's name from the list. You can also attach a resource into your comment by pressing the following button
A dialogue window will appear where you can select the type of resource you want to attach:
For instance, you can attach a report when answering someone's comment. Please note, you can attach only resources you have access to.
You can add a report to your TODO list by clicking on the following button:
You will be able to instantly view your new item inside your TODO list by selecting it at the top menu. In case you need to view and manage your TODO list, click the 'See all' button at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
You can pin a report to a board by clicking on the following button:
Then you can select your pinboard from the list of available boards (otherwise you will need to create a board before you can pin a resource).
You can share your report by pressing the share button:
Then you can select where you would like to share your resources (e.g. your won timeline, a group, etc.), add a message (tag people, add a location, express an emotion, etc.), and click the share button.
You can also share a part of your report. For instance, you can share a chart or a table. Once you click the share button:
Your table/chart will appear inside a post:
You can create a new board to place your resources by pressing the following button:
You can then create your new board by using the following form:
You can edit your board by pressing the following button:
You will get a dialogue where you can specify your board's name and description:
You can add or remove your report to and from a report board. This means you can sort your reports inside the report boards to make it easier to store and manage them. To add or remove your report simply click the 'Add' button:
You can unpublish a report. This will not archive it, neither delete, but just will mark it as 'unpublished' and will remove it from the main view where only published reports are shown. This is a handy feature in case you just want to temporarily remove the report, but not archive or delete it. To do so, simply click the 'Unpublish' option from the drop-down menu.
You can view the reports which are not published by selecting the following option from the top navigation of the page:
To ensure you don't accidentally delete a report, we've introduced this feature where you can just 'unpublish' a report, and it will hide it from various views. To delete any report forever, you need to archive it first, and only then you will be able to delete a report. This procedure is meant to make it harder to accidentally delete a report, but easy enough to follow this practice, which will potentially ensure you never lose your reports.
Just click on the drop-down menu and select 'Archive'. Your report will be archived and you can then view it at the archive section by clicking the following button:
After archiving a report, you can delete it forever. Just click on the drop-down menu and select 'Delete forever'. Your report will be deleted from the system.
To view the activity logs for your resource, simply click on the drop-down menu and select 'View Logs':
You will see a page with all your resource's log records: You can export your logs by click the 'Export to Excel' button.
In case you would like to receive notifications on a report (e.g. someone comments the resources, it gets deleted, etc), you can click the following button and start receiving notifications automatically.
Inside the messenger, open a conversation and click the 'Attach' button.
Select the 'Attach a report' option:
You will get a list of available reports, then click the button at the bottom of the card:
That's it, your report should be displayed inside the conversation:
To include a report inside your post, simply start writing a post and click on the 'Attach' button:
Select the 'Attach a report' option:
You will get a list of available reports, then click the button at the bottom of the card:
Once you finish writing your post, click the 'Post' button. Your post will be published with the report inside:
Click the following button and start searching:
Click on the following button to sort either newer to older, or older to newer:
Open your top menu and click on the 'Reports' item:
To create a new report, click the following button:
To edit an existing report, click the 'Edit' button:
Regardless if you are editing an existing report or create a new one, it will open the report editor for you. This is the place where you can edit or create reports.
The only section where you can add, remove and link your data sources is located within the following panel:
You can add new data sources or formulas via drag-and-drop of one of the following:
Alternatively, you can add a new data source by clicking the following button:
You will see a dialogue with available input forms. They are your sources, as these forms contain your business data. Select your data source:
You will be asked to select your fields. Start pressing the 'check' button at the left of your field and select as many fields as you need:
In case you need to add all of your fields, click the following button at the bottom of the dialogue screen:
Each form contains 'hidden' fields. They have added to each of your forms automatically when you create them. These fields are used for maintenance purposes, but can be handy inside your reports:
They refer to when a record was created, who created it, when was it last modified and who has modified it. Select them if you need this type of information to appear inside your report.Click the following button once you finish:
Your 'Data Sources, Time, Links & Filters' section will immediately be filled with the data fields which you have just selected:
To set a filter, click the field where you would like to apply a filter, e.g.:
On the right-hand side, you will see the filter menu. Click the 'plus' button to add a filter:
Depending on your field data type, you'll be able to set your filter properties, e.g.:
Click the 'Apply' button once you finish. Your data set inside your table will instantly change. In case you need to remove a filter, click the following button:
If you have more than one filter, then you can use the following setting to force all or any filters to match:
When you set it to 'Any', it will select a record if at least one filter matches. If you select 'All', then it will only include a record if all filters have matched. Your field with a filter will be marked with the following icon:
If you have more than one data source, you might want to link them. Why would you need to do that? Consider that your data source 'A' contains customer address and your data source 'B' contains customer order information. If both data sources contained the customer number, you will need to link the two data sources via that field. Alternatively, if email addresses are unique, you can link both data sources via the email address. This is essential, otherwise, your report will not make any sense. In the following example, we have two data sources, and we've decided to link them via two fields: email address and last modified date:
To link your data sources, click the data field's 'link' icon:
Select your second field, e.g.:
Your fields should be instantly linked:
To remove your link, click on it. On the right side, you will see an option 'Delete'. Click on it and your link will be deleted.
To edit your data section, click the following 'Edit' button:
You will see on the right side the following menu:
You can link your filters and links by using 'All' or 'Any' option in the following section:
That means the rules you are setting for the 'All' and 'Any' setting will apply only if you have linked two or more data sources by linking their fields. The same applies to filters. In case you have filters inside your data sources fields, then the same principle will apply. 'All' will consider if any filter matches, while 'Any' will look only for the results which correspond to all of our filters. To give you an example, consider the following scenario where you have 2 data sources linked via 2 links:
Both data sources contain the 'email' field, which is linked between the two. Also, both data sources 'last modified date' is linked. If we want both links to match, then we will select the following in on the right side menu:
If we want any of the links to match (meaning either 'email' or 'last modified date'), then we need to set that option to 'Any':
Just keep in mind that this option works when you link at least 2 fields together or apply filters to more than 1 field. ANY means that any link or filter condition may match, but they are not mandatory. ALL means that all links and filter conditions must match. They are all mandatory, otherwise, there will be no results.
This option is handy in case you know exactly what records to select. For instance, you want to select only 'John Smith' records for your client report. Otherwise, this option will limit you to only viewing the records you've selected, skipping all other data.
If you need your report data to be grouped by some field(s), then use the following section to create your 'group by' settings:
Once you select your 'group by' records, the color will change and you will see a 'minus' button instead of a 'plus' in the bottom right corner:
You can select 1 or more fields and even change their order. Depending on how you group your results, your table and diagrams will look different.
if you need your data to be ordered inside your report, use the following option:
By clicking the 'Descending/Ascending' button you will change your result's order. You can select one or more fields and even change their order. Depending on how you order your results, your table and diagrams will look different.
You can set a period of your report data. This will show data only from the date/time which you will set in the following section:
You can either set your period (e.g. 'Last Week') or select your time range using 'From' and 'To' settings. At the bottom of this section, you will see a block with your data source. In case you have more than one data source, you may select which data source should this rule be applied. You can select one or more blocks. How does the system know which data field to apply this rule? Well, we have the 'lastmodified' field inside each of your data sources. This rule will be simply applied to that field.
Your Table area is located under the following section
For example, the following is a table that is generated automatically for the data sources you have selected:
To remove a field from your table, click the following 'minus' button at the right bottom corner of the field:
To edit your table, click the following button:
On the right side you will see the following menu:
You can hide the table completely from your report by enabling the following option:
The following option allows to control your report table pagination:
You can set any meaningful value, but remember that by limiting it to a smaller number your report will load faster and will be easier to view.
Your charts are located under the following section:
You will immediately see the following on the right side:
You need to select your data fields inside your chart. Make sure you first select a 'text' field and then a 'number' field. For instance, below we have selected customer name and price:
That's the way charts work. Before you start editing anything, make sure you select at least 2 fields, the first one with a text value and the second one with a numeric value. If you need to re-order fields, just start dragging your field until you get to the position you want, e.g.:
In the bottom left corner you have a button to expand the area that contains your fields:
Click the 'edit' button to edit your chart:
You will see the configuration screen where you can change your chart type and set other parameters, e.g.:
Simply click the following button to remove a chart:
Charts are normally running smoothly, however, there might be some issues when creating charts:
Your second data field does not contain a numeric value
Your first data type is text, but some values are empty
You have selected a char type that expects 2 data fields (text and number), but instead, you have selected 3 or more data fields. You will see the following message:
Your report can contain calculated via formula fields. To enable this, just drag-and-drop the following into your 'Data Sources, Time, Links & Filters' section:
You will see a dialogue with a formula editor:
To calculate anything, just drag-and-drop a data source field. You can add as many fields as you need. Mathematical operators which you can use include:
For instance:
You can also apply the following to any data source field:
Sum of all values for the given field
Minimum of all values for the given field
Maximum of all values for the given field
Count of how many records to we have
Average of all values for the given field
That means that if we did the following:
We will get the maximum value for the field 'price' located in the Customer Order data source (otherwise you can also call it an 'input form'). Your formula will have its own representation at the 'data sources' section:
If you click on it, you will get the configuration panel on the right side, where you can apply some settings to your formula block. For example, you can give it a title:
You can format it:
You can even configure how many decimal places should be shown if the number has a decimal value:
If you decide to use the 'Custom money/number format', you will get the following set of options to configure:
For example, your configuration can look similar to the following:
Click the following button at the top of your page:
On the right side you will see the following settings:
Fill in these fields. Your report must have a title, the other fields are optional.
To make a report published (or not published), click the following button at the top of your page:
Then enable or disable the following field:
To make a report archived (or not archived), click the following button at the top of your page:
Then enable or disable the following field:
Click the following button at the top of your page:
To view a list of business apps using your report, click the following button:
Your report can contain tags. This makes it easy to categorize your reports and can be later used for searching and sorting. To view tags, click the following button at the top of your page:
You will see a section that can contain report tags.
Your report card can contain a cover, making it easier to view your report inside various pages, e.g.:
You can set your report cover by first clicking the following button at the top of your page:
On the right side of your page, scroll down until you see the following section:
You can set an image by clicking the 'Browse' button. Alternatively, you can set an icon/character with a background color.
You can set your access configuration by clicking on the following button:
You will see a dialogue where you'll be able to add or remove users, groups, departments, projects, and events. Start typing a person's name (or department/group/event/project name) and select your user.
Once you're finished, click the following button:
You can constantly change access permission settings for your resources. Try to always keep the right level of authorization and ensure that your resources are shared with the right people within your organization. In general, you need to give 'Administrator' permission only to those users who need to manage your resources. You can share your resources with groups, add them to events or projects, or simply grant an access right to people from a specific department. In case you want everyone in your organization to have access to your resource, simply enable the following option:
This will ensure that absolutely everyone can view the resource. However, if you need your resource to appear on a group/department/event/project resource page, you need to add this group/department/event/project separately.
You can clear your report, save it as a new report, create a new one or save an existing one by using the buttons located at the bottom of your screen:
For instance, the 'Quick Preview' button allows viewing your report while editing it.
Your reports can be used inside a business app. You can easily add a report inside your business app by dragging and dropping the following:
You will see the following inside your diagram:
You can set your block's name and its icon by configuring the following:
To select your report, click the following button:
You'll be able to see your reports and select the one you wish to display inside the business process:
That's it! Your report will be displayed during the business app execution. The end-users will see the report and will be able to continue with the business app after reviewing the report, e.g.:
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