
Why Do I Need It?

Fenorri allows having stats dashboards which shows how a person is using their resources. This can be used to measure performance, productivity, collaboration, engagement, and other metrics. People can view their dashboards, as well as their colleagues. The visibility of dashboards is determined by your profile security settings.
For more information visit the 'Profile Security' section.


Open your top menu and click on the 'Dashboard' item:

2 Types of Stats

You will see the following drop-down menu:

Work-Related Stats

The following table will show you how much work-related activities have been carried out:

Business Apps

The following widget will show how many business apps were started, completed, and are still in progress at the moment:

Top Activities

The following widget will always display what are the top work activities for today:

Combined Work-Related Stats

The following table will show in real-time all work-related stats. It can be used for instance to determine when is the busiest or productive time of the day (week, month, or year). It is a useful feature since it gives at a glance an overview how things can or should be planned to increase your (or your colleague) personal productivity, or how to plan something to fulfill any performance gaps.

Social Stats

'Social' does not mean the person is spending time on social networks. Rather, it's a category that can show end-user collaboration, engagement, and other activities that can be classified as 'social'. The following table shows a total for various activities, such as likes, shares, pins, comments, and posts:

The following widget is there to show how many likes, shares, pins or comments the person has received today for their published resources. For instance, a person writes a post, and receives 1 comment, 4 likes, and 1 share for today:

Top Activities for Today

The following widget shows which social-related activities are for today:

General Stats

The following diagram allows seeing social activities over time. It can be used to improve collaboration and end-user engagement, as well as to determine various facts about a particular person or the organization in general. For instance, we can see when is the quietest time in the organization (for instance, people are not collaborating and are not engaged with each other on Monday morning) and then decide to schedule a meeting during that time (either to cover this performance gap, to use it as the most productive time to get people focused, etc.).

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