You can build your business app using the visual editor. All you have to do is to drag-and-drop your blocks from the left side to the editor. You need to connect your blocks. It looks like a flow-chart, presenting the logical path of your app's business logic. No block should be left on its own, everything must be connected. You need to have always both the 'Start' and the 'End' blocks, indicating where the business app starts and where does it finish. Inside your logic you can have the 'IF/ELSE' type of condition, a loop (where the logic will loop over something, for instance, a set of search results), and you can have many other functional blocks, for instance, a block that can write your contract file or a block that can send your customer an email.
You can drag-and-drop building blocks into the editor, e.g.:
You need to have the 'Start' and the 'End' block inside your diagram to indicate where does your app start and where does it finish. Your blocks must be connected to indicate the business logic flow inside your app. To connect two blocks, simply connect their endpoints with your mouse, e.g.:
If you need to remove a connection, simply click on it. There can be only one connection from one endpoint. To configure a block, simply click on it, and on the right side you will see your block's properties, e.g.:
Thanks to the editor, you don't need to write any code or scripts to create a business app with any kind of business logic supported by the editor controls. You simply drag-and-drop your blocks, connect and configure them. The system will write the code for you in the background and make it instantly available for executing as a business app. This allows you to rapidly create your business logic inside an app, and then if you need to, you can easily change it. This makes your apps transparent since everyone with access can open the app in the editor and view its business logic. That's a big win for your colleagues, since everyone willing to contribute, can open your app and improve it.
Each block contains the following configuration:
It allows you to set the label. You can change the icon or set it to be a character. Just to make your diagram more readable. The section below explains what each block does and how to configure them.
At the top of the screen you will see an explanation of why you have an error and a suggestion of what can be done to fix it, e.g.:
You can validate your app by clicking the 'Validate' button, or your app will be automatically validated before saving. Occasionally you will see errors inside your blocks:
You cannot publish and save a business app if it contains errors. You need to fix your errors first, and then you'll be able to publish and save it.
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