This block is responsible for making a decision based on some logic, for instance, it can ask 'is the price larger than 500?', which will give one out of the two answers, either a 'YES' or a 'NO', leading to different execution paths, e.g.:
This allows creating business logic that will contain some decision making. It's useful when you have some data, and depending on some condition, you want to have two separate paths to execute your logic.
How to use it? Just drag-and-drop the following into your diagram:
Then click the following button:
You will see an editor where you can create your decision expression. In the dialogue, you can drag-and-drop data fields from previous steps, and do a comparison operation, e.g.:
You can use the following comparison operators:
If your expression needs to perform several things, you will need to separate them either via AND or OR, e.g.:
You can also drag-and-drop the 'User' block into your expression:
What will happen after this block is executed? It will either take the 'Yes' or the 'No' path.
Possible Warnings: Sometimes you may use a data select as your field inside your 'Decision' expression. If that happens, you might see the following warning:
You can ignore this warning if you know that your data access block will only have 1 result. You can also ignore it, and the app will only use the first record from your data access block.
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