Browse Features / Projects


Run & Manage Your Projects

Project sections make it easier for everyone to communicate, share ideas or challenges, organize info and knowledge, and save time on discussions.

Each project has a timeline with posts
View projects

Easy to use

Create a new project
Add files, reports, emails and business apps
Add tags
Manage members and permissions
Add/remove reports, business apps, emails and files

Creative collaboration

Invite users to join
Join or leave a project
Respond to a request to join (accept/reject)
Each project has a timeline with posts
Respond to requests to join (accept or reject)
View members

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Why Do I Need It?

Fenorri allows creating project pages. This can be used for organizing teams to keep all their project documentation, discussions and resources in ...

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Add or Remove Administrators

To add or remove administrators, select 'Members' and then click on 'Administrators' from the top page menu. You will see a page where you can easi...

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