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Privacy & Security Matter!

Improved Privacy With Top Security!

Without a secure environment, there is no guarantee your data, business apps, and even user information will be safe. Privacy allows ensuring your users are in full control of their data inside your organization. That's why we have taken extra care to ensure the product meets all of your expectations and provides you with the highest level of protection!

Access Control Settings
Be in control of your resources! You can add and remove:
optionally, give access to all users
To make it easier
We understand how intensive it can be to manage user access permissions. That's why we've included a mechanism for users to ask for access!

How does it work?

1Whenever you see a resource (e.g. a file, report, business process, email, etc.) which you cannot access, simply click on the button 'Request access'.
2All administrators will receive a notification, which they will respond to by granting or rejecting you access
3You will be notified immediately!
Even calendars can be configured to meet the desired level of privacy
Every user can configure their profile using this simple feature!

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Privacy Settings

You will then be able to specify who can access your profile resources, posts, file, reports, apps, dashboard, etc:

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Change Access Permission

To allow other users to view or manage your file, you can click the 'lock' button:

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