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User Profile

Your profile has everything you need!

Just like inside any social network, you get a fully functional profile with info, time-line and much more! Just imagine that everything you normally need at work is all in one place!

Your profile contains:

Your timeline
Files, business apps, reports, emails etc.
Your profile pop-up allows other people to easily communicate with you
Locate useful resources directly from your profile page

From your profile you can easily do the following:

Set privacy and security rules
Change your status (e.g. available, busy, do not disturb, chat only, phone only)
Keep yourself organized
Easily find all your important resources
Configure your privacy
Easily change your status

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User Profile Page

Each profile has the following menu to enable quick access to the various profile sections:

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Profile Security Settings

You can configure your profile access by selecting your top page menu 'Configuration' icon:

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