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Forms and UI Editor

Create Forms Instantly

Yes, now you can create and instantly deploy forms! Then you can add/edit/delete data records, plus view or search all records

Data Or Master Data

You can create your usual data forms, as well as form with master data (which can be then used by other forms, reports, and business apps).

No limits!

Forms for entering/storing/editing data
Create and instantly deploy forms
No need to code or perform any technical activities!
Draw the entire form via the drag-and-drop editor
Edit and change at any time!

Many Useful Form Controls

Text Box, Text Area, Email, Check Box, Radio Button, Drop-down List, File, Calendar, User Field (to add/remove users), Formula Calculation Field, Show Data from Another Form, WYSIWYG

Access Control Settings
Be in control of your forms! You can add and remove:
optionally, give access to all users
Users can comment forms, to make their work more efficient
Forms then can be used inside a business process to create business apps!

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