Browse Features / Files


Upload Or Auto-generate Files

You can easily upload files, keep different versions of the same file, or simply let a business process to auto-generate files for you!

To Make It Easier...

Comment, share, post, message, like
#Hashtag #your #files
View, download, upload
Add to your TODO list
Add to groups, departments, projects or calendar events (e.g. meetings)

File Boards

View all available files
Custom boards for files
Easily add or remove files

Previous Version

Keep multiple versions of the same file. Revert back to a previous version at any time.

Full Log History

All actions applied to a file are automatically logged - just to make it easy to see what's going on!

Access Control Settings
Be in control of your files! This can be done manually or automatically inside your business process. You can add and remove:
optionally, give access to all users

Integrated With Google Drive

export files directly to Google Drive
import files from Google Drive
Automate It!
Automatically Search, Import or Upload Files to Google Drive
you can use Google Drive from inside your business apps
allowing you to search and import files automatically
for example, you can generate a contract inside your business process, then upload it to Google Drive
Google Drive™ is a trademark of Google Inc.

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Generating Files Inside Business Apps

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Importing Files From Google Drive

You will now be able to see your Google Drive files:

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